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Ratting with the Lamp

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Out tonight with Thurso Jack and his JRT's and me Patt, ratting with the lamp, desipte only half a dozen in the hour, what excellent sport we had. The dogs worked nicely, we had to dig Thurso's bitch Tara out of a wood pile as she was marking a nest and wouldn't come out.

He'll probably tell you how she came out top dog but its the small things like his lamp dying first and him losing his fags that make the night worth while.

Excellent fun, heres some shite pic's...






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Out tonight with Thurso Jack and his JRT's and me Patt, ratting with the lamp, desipte only half a dozen in the hour, what excellent sport we had. The dogs worked nicely, we had to dig Thurso's bitch Tara out of a wood pile as she was marking a nest and wouldn't come out.

He'll probably tell you how she came out top dog but its the small things like his lamp dying first and him losing his fags that make the night worth while.

Excellent fun, heres some shite pic's...









lol, it was good craic, not a lot about but not many got away, and the dogs worked well together, apart from when they decided to have a scrap over whos rat nest it was and i pulled them apart, and got a nice bite for my troubles :no::icon_redface:

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